Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rubicon or Most ominous use of a four-leaf clover

Has anyone been watching Rubicon?  Seems like it is just me, my DH, and a handful of geeks who like their spy stories with less gadgets and bombs, a la Three Days of the Condor and John Le Carre.  I am enjoying it, even though i have to force myself to watch it sometimes.  It's like I know they are going to cancel it, so why bother?
What I like so far:  Will, great acting.  He is subtle but you can really tell he's trying to keep his shit together.
Miles is manic, funny and sad.
What I don't like:  Arliss Howard is totally miscast as Kale, Will's boss.  Is he good or bad?  Is he on Will's side?  Is he plotting with Spengler?  Why does he walk funny?  Why does he comb his hair like that? Blah blah blah.
On the fence:  the fact they they never ever ever look at a computer.  i have never seen so much paper in a TV series (and The Office doesn't count).  is this realistic?   

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